What’s the Technology?
Transcendental Consciousness
is a natural experience |
The key to peace creation
is the experience of Transcendental Consciousness—the direct
experience of the unified field
of natural law—a state of inner peace. Each peace-creating
expert is experienced in the subjective technology of transcending—allowing
the mind to settle down deep inside until it transcends thought
altogether. The mind is left wide awake, but unsullied by specific
thoughts or perceptions. This is a state of restful alertness—the
experience of Transcendental Consciousness.
Transcendental Consciousness
connects individual intelligence with the unified field of nature's
intelligence. The results are profound: Regular daily experience
of Transcendental Consciousness leads to unprecedented individual
growth and, experienced in groups, it produces an easily measurable
influence of peace and harmony throughout society. DETAILS >
verification of Transcendental Consciousness: In Vedic science,
the experience of the unified field during Transcendental Consciousness
is said to take place in a fourth major state of consciousness—measurably
different from the three commonly experienced states of waking,
sleeping and dreaming. In recent decades, a large body of research
has verified this description—identifying Transcendental
Consciousness as a fourth major state of consciousness. DETAILS >
benefits of Transcendental Consciousness: Hundreds of scientific
studies have shown that regular experience of Transcendental
Consciousness produces rapid and cumulative benefits for the individual—including
(1) reduced anxiety, (2) increased creativity and intelligence,
(3) enhanced psychological maturity to levels rarely seen in the
research literature, and (4) improved physical health (including
76% less major surgery, 55% less cancer, and 87% less heart disease).
Transcendental Meditation program: The research defining
Transcendental Consciousness and its benefits has been performed
on the Transcendental Meditation technique
founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
Because the TM technique is natural and effortless, because it is
taught uniformly around the world, and because it reliably produces
the benefits of Transcendental Consciousness, millions of people
have learned the practice (more than two million in the United States).
The advanced
TM-Sidhi program: The advanced TM-Sidhi program cultures
the ability to think and act from the unified field
nature’s intelligence. Practice of the TM-Sidhi program
accelerates individual growth toward the total potential of human
functioning—the state of enlightenment. More important, when
practiced in groups, the TM-Sidhi program works powerfully to defuse
societal stress and tension—creating peace in the environment.
The first stage of Yogic Flying |
Yogic Flying:
During the first stage of Yogic Flying, the body lifts up and moves
forward in short hops. Subjectively the experience is not just inner
peace, but exhilaration, lightness, and an intense happiness often
described as “bubbling bliss.” Yogic Flying, when practiced
in groups, is the most effective of all the Vedic technologies for
radiating harmony and coherence into the environment. DETAILS >
Those of us who have assembled this site recognize that other approaches
may also produce a peaceful influence—including prayer and
other types of meditation. We also realize that in addition to the
creation of an underlying atmosphere of peace, a great deal of highly
specific work needs to be done to build a more ideal world—focusing
on such issues as education, poverty, hunger, housing, and health
care. We emphasize the Transcendental Meditation program, and its
use by large groups, for two reasons:
- Of all the possible peace-creating programs, this is the
one that has been scientifically shown to create a marked and
measurable influence of peace throughout society, and
- This program, by creating a society-wide influence of harmony
and coherence, promises to create the environment in which other,
more specific programs can flourish.
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