The Laws of Nature
and The Will of God
In the Vedic science of consciousness, as brought to light by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Transcendental Consciousness is said to unite the conscious mind with the limitless intelligence of the unified field of natural law. This statement can be interpreted in two ways.
First, nature’s intelligence, as embodied in the laws of nature, can be seen as a purely scientific reality. Force equals mass times acceleration (f=ma); energy equals mass times the speed of light squared (e=mc2). Such laws of nature are orderly, invariant expressions of nature’s underlying intelligence. Even on the common sense level—noting the beautiful hexagonal regularity of snow flakes, for example—it is obvious that there is some order and intelligence in nature.
Thus, if the individual human mind aligns itself with all the laws of nature at their source—in the unified field—such a mind gains the support of natural law. Every thought and action would then be supported by the infinite intelligence displayed throughout the universe.
The same points, however, can also be interpreted from a religious or spiritual perspective. From this viewpoint, the laws of nature—those orderly expressions of intelligence that govern the cosmos—are simply a scientific way of speaking about the will of God. Thus, if the individual human mind aligns itself with all the laws of nature at their source, such a mind gains alignment with the will of God.
The choice between these scientific and spiritual interpretations is personal. The scientific view does not invalidate the spiritual understanding, and the spiritual understanding does not invalidate the scientific understanding.
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